I remember when you came out with this on YouTube. Beautiful!
I remember when you came out with this on YouTube. Beautiful!
Definitely my favorite work from you. Absolutely beautiful!
Oh, thanks! Glad to know that people are still listening to my tracks!
To be honest, I think I'll be forgotten soon...
This is a fun song! My main problem is that it sounds kind of empty in some parts since a lot of it is only composed of bass and melody. You did do a pretty good job at mixing and making the drum beat. Overall, a pretty fun song that just needs a little work. Keep it up!
The structure, composition, and emotion are just so good! This reminds me of a Nighthawk or Dimrain song with its own little flair (and I think you even outdid them with your mixing). The piano bits were a great style choice, and overall, I think this piece really stands out as a great example of originality in techno! I was going to give a criticism; something that you could maybe improve, but honestly, I couldn't find anything without nit-picking. Absolutely fantastic!
Thank you for the review! The only concern I had with this song was that it was way too complex at the first drop.. I feel as if I could have dropped the Conqueror Sytrus-preset and let the Piano do it's thing.
The emotions come together really well here! The mixing is also very well done; every in the song works like a well-oiled machine. My only complaint is that there could be a little bit more variation. It just kind of feels like you hear the song's main chord progression repeat for 2 minutes and then it's over. Other than that, you did an amazing job! All of the sounds fit in neatly, and it sounds like a cohesive, nice, and fun song!
This song gave me chills. I love this style of techno so much! The sound design really lives up to cornandbeans, and I personally think that the mixing is even better in some ways. The composition of it, especially the emotion, was absolutely beautiful. The buildup to each drop was so good, and the drop itself was so powerful that it completely fulfilled its buildup. 1:49 onward is so good, and the speeding up so perfect. Absolutely stunning!
I like the way this piece sounds! It has a very clean sound design and the mixing quality is very well done. The composition is very cohesive as well. My only issues are:
1. It's a little too repetitive, although I did appreciate those quiet parts like at 1:30
2. It doesn't have an incredibly unique personality
Even with that said, I think this is a very fun song, and I like that there's even a story behind it! Well done!
Thanks bro! I’ve been working on all that stuff with some of my upcoming music. Thanks so much for listening :)
This is an insane start. I love how everything works together, and the opening melody was pretty good.
Thank you, but I think that the best track from me could be my remix of Dimrain47's "Buzztone Symphony".
Thanks for the review, by the way.
You nailed the chords on that opening, and the piano bits were wonderful as always. I find it interesting that you managed to keep the pacing fast even during the quieter parts. Overall a great remix (especially with that beautiful resolution at the end)!
Thank you! This is honestly one of my proudest remixes to date
Very cool. Wonderful composition and progression. One of the best things I've heard on NewGrounds today!
I'm trying to make my own genre.
Joined on 7/7/22